Zucchini Patties


Zucchini Patties present a delightful way to enjoy this versatile vegetable. They are simple to make, incredibly tasty, and offer a great opportunity to sneak in some veggies into your diet in a fun and appetizing way. Ideal for a light lunch, a side dish, or even as an appetizer, these patties can be a hit with both adults and children alike.

Choosing Ingredients:

  • Zucchini: Select fresh, firm zucchinis. The key to the best patties is removing as much moisture as possible from the grated zucchini.
  • Parmesan Cheese: Freshly grated Parmesan will give a richer flavor than pre-grated cheese.
  • Herbs and Seasonings: Fresh oregano can replace dried for a more vibrant flavor. Feel free to experiment with other herbs like basil or thyme.

Tips for Cooking:

  1. Draining Zucchini: After grating, place the zucchini in a colander, sprinkle with salt, and let it sit to draw out moisture. Squeeze the excess liquid using a clean kitchen towel.
  2. Even Cooking: Ensure the oil is adequately heated before adding the zucchini mixture. Cook in batches to avoid overcrowding the pan.
  3. Browning: Cook until each side is golden brown, ensuring a crispy exterior and a soft interior.

Variations and Substitutions:

  • Cheese Varieties: Apart from Parmesan, consider other cheeses like cheddar or feta for different flavors.
  • Flour Alternatives: For a healthier option, use almond flour or oat flour.
  • Egg-Free Version: You can use a flax egg (1 tbsp ground flaxseed with 3 tbsp water) as a binding agent for an egg-free version.


2 cups grated zucchini well-drained* (approximately 3 medium zucchini)

1 tablespoon finely chopped onion

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese (25 grams)

1/4 cup flour (32 grams)

2 large eggs

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

1/4 teaspoon oregano

1/4 teaspoon salt

1-2 dashes black pepper

1-2 tablespoons olive oil


In a medium bowl mix together all ingredients except for the olive oil.

In a medium to large frying pan over medium heat, heat the olive oil.

Drop a heaping large spoonful of the mixture, cook until browned on both sides.

Drain on a paper towel lined plate for a couple of seconds then serve immediately. Enjoy!

Serving Suggestions:

Serve with a dollop of sour cream, Greek yogurt, or your favorite dipping sauce. These patties can also be a great addition to a brunch spread or as a side to grilled meats.


Zucchini Patties are a wonderful way to enjoy a healthy, flavorful meal. They’re a testament to the versatility of zucchini and how a few simple ingredients can transform into something so delightful. Whether enjoyed on their own or as part of a larger meal, these patties are sure to please. Don’t be afraid to get creative with the ingredients and make this dish uniquely yours!

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