Homemade Amish caramel is a soft, chewy and easy-to-make recipe that is super delicious and just melts in the mouth after the first bite. This American cuisine is an excellent dessert or appetizer to serve at home for the family.

When we can’t have chocolate, we turn to caramel, which is quite simple to prepare in our own kitchen. We admit to being a little intimidated by the prospect of creating caramel, but you’ll be amazed at how simple it is to prepare and serve. We love these handmade Amish caramels because they include all of the proper ingredients, are simple to create, and taste fantastic. These deliciously sweet pastries are generally a Christmas season dessert, but there’s no reason to limit yourself to just one season.

Softness is a distinguishing feature of Amish caramels. Caramel may be cooked in a variety of ways, resulting in a variety of caramel consistency. Caramel becomes harder as the temperature rises. These caramels are light in color and soft in texture, making them almost extremely simple to eat! Summer is a terrific time for these small delights, and we enjoy how the wrapped caramel sweets have a carnival-like air to them. This delectable dish is guaranteed to go fast, so it’s a good thing it’s so simple to make! When preparing caramel, always remember to take caution since it is incredibly hot. But don’t let the caramel’s apparent difficulty deter you from cooking this delicious delicacy.

Prep Time: 12 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 27 minutes

Yield: 72 box-cut Amish caramels

Nutritional facts

Calories: 44 Kcal


1 cup granulated sugar

¾ cup corn syrup

½ cup unsalted butter

1 cup heavy cream

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

How to make

Step 1:

Grease the baking pan. Add the sugar, corn syrup, butter, and ¼ cup of cream in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat and boil while stirring continuously, then add the remaining cream and stir well.

Step 2:

Insert in a candy thermometer while constantly stirring, when it hits 240 degree Fahrenheit remove caramel from the heat and add in the vanilla, then pour into the prepared baking pan.

Step 3:

Use a toothpick to burst any air bubbles that rise to the top while stirring. Then leave it to cool overnight. Use a small offset spatula to loosen the caramel block from the pan.

Step 4:

Place the block to a cutting board and cut into desired size and shape. Then wrap each of them in a wax paper if desired.

Tip and variation:

You will need a candy thermometer for this recipe.

Make sure to store them at a cooler temperature so they don’t melt.

For extra special treat, dip them in dark chocolate and cover them in sea salt to enjoy.