
-Chocolate, 4 ounces
-Butter, 3/4 cup
-Sugar, 2 cups
-Eggs, 3
-Vanilla Extract, 1 teaspoon
-Almond Extract, 1 teaspoon
-Flour, 1 cup
-Dried Cherries, 3/4 cup or one 5-ounce bag

-Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 1 8-ounce brick
-Sugar, 1/2 cup
-Egg, 1
-Vanilla Extract, 1 teaspoon
-Cherry Preserves, 1 cup


Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Dump the butter and chocolate into a large bowl. Microwave on high for about two minutes, or until the butter is melted. Stir until the chocolate is melted.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Add the sugar and stir it in.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Add the eggs, vanilla and almond extracts and stir until well-blended.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Add the flour and again, stir until well-blended. This recipe makes a very soft and fudgy brownie. Add a little more flour for a more cake-like brownie. Fold in the dried cherries.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Set the brownie batter aside for now. In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, sugar, vanilla and egg. Beat until smooth.
Heat the cherry preserves for a minute in the microwave, just long enough to make it thin enough to spread easily.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Spread the brownie batter into a well-greased 13x9x2 baking dish.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Spread the cream cheese over the top.

Spread the preserves over the cream cheese and then swirl it all together with a knife.
Bake at 350 for about 40 minutes.

Cherry Cream Cheesecake Brownies is an easy and quick healthy All Recipes keto dinner ideas recipes that you can cook if you like . In Tasty Recipes blog we got the best easy dinner,

Let them cool for a little while before cutting into squares.
