Richard, an elderly man, eagerly drives to his daughter Deidre’s home on his 80th birthday, hoping to surprise her. Their relationship, once close, has strained over the years, especially after the passing of Richard’s wife. They no longer celebrate holidays together, only speaking through brief weekly phone calls. As Richard stands at Deidre’s front door, his excitement fades when she answers in tears. Deidre, looking distressed, sends him away, insisting that it isn’t a good time for a visit.

Confused and hurt, Richard steps back, but his gut tells him something is terribly wrong. Rather than leave, he sneaks around the side of the house and peeks through the front windows. Inside, he spots two intimidating men sitting with Deidre. Their harsh voices carry through the glass. One of the men, who appears to be in charge, demands that Deidre make good on a loan she took six months ago, a debt now significantly overdue.

Deidre, visibly shaken, pleads for more time, promising that her business will soon recover. The men aren’t convinced. One of them pulls out a gun, threatening her and making it clear that their patience is running thin. They ransack her home, looking for valuables, before leaving, warning Deidre of dire consequences if she doesn’t pay soon.

Richard, still outside, watches the men drive off with several of Deidre’s belongings. Overwhelmed, he realizes his daughter is in serious trouble and decides to follow the men, hoping to confront them and protect her. He tails them to a shady club downtown, where they enter without hesitation. After a brief moment of fear, Richard decides to enter as well.

Inside the club, Richard confronts the leader, Mr. Marco, a man with a sharp appearance but a cruel edge. Richard, trying to remain calm, asks how much Deidre owes. Marco reveals that Deidre had borrowed $80,000 for her business, but she failed to repay any of it. Richard offers to pay $20,000, all the savings he has. Marco sneers, saying it’s not enough but then proposes a dangerous deal: Richard must smuggle one of Marco’s cars across the border to Canada to make up the difference.

Desperate to save his daughter, Richard reluctantly agrees. He takes the car and drives towards the border, but halfway there, things take a turn for the worse. A police dog at a gas station detects something in the car, and Richard panics. He flees, leading the police on a tense chase through narrow roads. As he tries to escape, his car gets stuck near a river, and it begins to sink. Barely escaping with his life, Richard swims to safety, but the car — and whatever illegal cargo it held — is lost beneath the water.